Five dishes of Es Torrent that will amaze you

Paella, fideuá and ‘bullit de peix’ are probably the most popular and demanded dishes of our menu. They are an icon of island cuisine and we recommend trying them because they carry the tastiest fish of the Ibiza Sea, such as grouper, San Pedro rooster, anglerfish, denton or scorpionfish, among others. Today, however, we propose five dishes that really impact diners and that everyone should try.

Lobster with fried eggs

If there is a star dish today in Es Torrent it is this one. We started preparing it about a decade ago, at the request of some customers, and we ended up incorporating it into the menu five years ago. It is made with Ibizan red lobster, potatoes and eggs from the island. The eggs are fried in the same oil of the lobster, acquiring its flavour. Spectacular!

Grilled red prawn

Such a delicate and exquisite Ibizan product must be prepared in the simplest way. In Es Torrent we place it on a bed of fat salt, on a special iron that emits little heat, where it is done slowly, preserving its juices. We serve it to the point, without losing an iota of its substance. If Ibiza had to be defined in a single bite, it would be with the freshness of a red shrimp. A miracle!

Fried ‘raors’

At the beginning of September the closure of the ‘raor’ (xyrichthys novacula, razorfish) opens, also known in other ports as galán, lorito, parrot… In Ibiza it is the most quoted fish, with an oscillating price similar to the lobster. Out of season we find it in nearby ports of Catalonia and Levante, where it is hardly consumed. Its gelatinous skin allows you to fry it without flour, in abundant olive oil, simply with a pinch of salt. They are amazing!

Sautéed squid

The fresh squid is one of the most surprising products of Ibiza, for its intense flavour and its fibrous and tender texture at the same time. As with other raw materials of extraordinary quality, we like to dispense with excessive dressings. Cut them and sauté briefly, flavoring them with a pinch of garlic and very chopped parsley. Maximum flavour!

Sautéed ‘Espardenyes’

One of the delicacies of Ibiza, practically unknown outside the island. The ‘espardenyes’ stand out for their unusual texture. They are not marine fruits or vegetables, but an animal belonging to the equiderms of the holoturoid class, distant relative of the starfish. Like the squid, they are prepared in the pan and only a touch of garlic and parsley are added. Unforgettable!

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